Good first try. Although I don't use fl. I use Reason. Check out my music and tell me what you think. Hope to see more from you soon.
Good first try. Although I don't use fl. I use Reason. Check out my music and tell me what you think. Hope to see more from you soon.
um... thanks... but I freely admit that this song is crap. I despise FL. And for no good reason at that. There shall be no second try; if I ever decide to upgrade from Buzz, it shall be to reason. But thanks for the review.
Wow! This is a sexy song. The organ is awesome! And everything else. The only thing I didn't like was the first flute/oboe [not sure] solo. But everything else was awesome. It's perfect for an epic tale.
heh, you are number 1 to say that, I usually get feedback saying the flute was the best part, I personally liked the violin part more, but thats cuz I love the violin/viola.
Still many thanks for the review ^^.
Maestro you are god! King of Classical. Check out my music please if you have time!
Rock on Toronto! I live there. Except the water is shit and too many people get shot. Oh well!
If you use AIM hit me up at Remedy_X
Toronto is TEH coolness ^^.
I'm glad you have enjoyed this piece, I try my best to make things people will enjoy ^^.
sure i'll check your stuff out.
Many thanks for the review.
The melody is really nice! I love it! Just like Viewtiful said you gotta practice on your drums. Lower the volume down. And If you make a final I wanna hear it. Add a pad for more ambience and once again add kicks every three beats so it sounds more trancy. And if you leave your email then I make you some trance drum loops and send them to you.
thx for tip, ill try it
No! You will absolutely not stop making songs! ILL MURDER YOUR FAMILY SO YOULL GO ON AN EMOTIONAL WRECK, to make more songs if I have to. So keep it V. Lol V. You always get teh fifen from meh.
Well dude it'a fact so that'll be til later so i won't post anymore music. Well until I get a new music software.
Well I have FL but i mainly use Music Maker 10!
SO man thanks for Keepin it V man!
Please don't kill my family! <_>
I <3 everything about this song. The cut up funk drums sound really nice and give it that nice touch. You get teh fifen from me.
And check out my music 2.
:) YAY!
Not bad... I like where you've gotten to. You can do me a favour though. Check out my music :)
I was in awe as I listened to this. I love it. Check out my music and do me that favour. I might use this in a flash I'm making... Your welcome. AND EXTEND THIS SONG!
Ah, thanks about the whole flash thingy!
!!! Awsome
This was quite good. Extremely enjoyable. :D I could listen to this for a long time and not get bored. I like it! And do me a favour and check out my music and tell me what you think.
You really COULD listen to this all day, trust me - this is a track which takes a long long time to get bored with. And i agree... its awsome ;)
Thx for the review!
\m/ (^_^) \m/
~ X-Digital
The drums were nice, the synth was out of sync. The fx were out of sync to. Good job though and keep trying, and do me a favour and check out my music! :D Voted you a five.
Yes, I love the audio portal. Yes, I make good music. BUT WAIT UNTIL I GET FLASH MX. *Evil laugh*
Age 34, Male
Got fired...
Joined on 1/28/06