I was in awe as I listened to this. I love it. Check out my music and do me that favour. I might use this in a flash I'm making... Your welcome. AND EXTEND THIS SONG!
I was in awe as I listened to this. I love it. Check out my music and do me that favour. I might use this in a flash I'm making... Your welcome. AND EXTEND THIS SONG!
Ah, thanks about the whole flash thingy!
!!! Awsome
This was quite good. Extremely enjoyable. :D I could listen to this for a long time and not get bored. I like it! And do me a favour and check out my music and tell me what you think.
You really COULD listen to this all day, trust me - this is a track which takes a long long time to get bored with. And i agree... its awsome ;)
Thx for the review!
\m/ (^_^) \m/
~ X-Digital
The drums were nice, the synth was out of sync. The fx were out of sync to. Good job though and keep trying, and do me a favour and check out my music! :D Voted you a five.
I <3 you...
Maestro... Will you marry me? SERIOUSLY! Just kidding.
I gotcha there didn't I? Huh? HUH! Admit it.
You put the c in classical. LOL. That was corny sorry.
You keep doing what you're doing. And do me a favour...
Keep posting in the audio forum.
ummm, okay but i'm tired of paying for the wedding, this time you people do it ;).
Sure i'll check your stuff out.
Thnx for the review.
Not Bad...
I liked this! This is great to dance to. I just think you should've added a nice rave synth instead of the piano. Keep posting in the audio forum and remember to check out my music and tell me what you think!
I'd also thought of putting a rave-style synth in there, RemedyX... However, the original intent of the song was to experiment combining classical sounds with a tech-ish sort-of sound underneath, so the piano just fit better overall. I'll keep the idea in mind though for my next piece! And yes- I'll check out your music!
See ya
Yes, I love the audio portal. Yes, I make good music. BUT WAIT UNTIL I GET FLASH MX. *Evil laugh*
Age 34, Male
Got fired...
Joined on 1/28/06